How To Request a New Package

How To Request a New Package

If you are looking for a package to be added to the Chocolatey Community Repository then there are a few options.

I Want To Create a Package For the Chocolatey Community Repository

It’s easy to create and maintain packages.

I Want Somebody Else To Create a Package For the Chocolatey Community Repository


A few things to note:

  • Chocolatey Software does not create or maintain packages on the Chocolatey Community Repository.
  • Many members of the Chocolatey Team are also long-term members of the Chocolatey Community and maintain packages in their own time.
  • Packages on the Chocolatey Community Repository are created and maintained by volunteer Maintainers in their spare time, or by Software Vendors or Authors.
  • There is no obligation on any Maintainer to pick up the package request and create a package.
  • The best way to get the package you want, is to join the Community, to create and maintain it yourself.

When it comes to community packages, we really want packages to be created by those who are using the software. So when you are asking for others to add packages, please consider that it may be better for you to keep the package up to date than someone else who may not be invested in ensuring it stays updated.

Raise a Request For Package (RFP) request on the Chocolatey Package Requests repository. A Repository Administrator will review the request and make it available for Maintainers to pick up.