CPMR0001 - Copyright Character Count Below 4 (nuspec)

CPMR0001 - Copyright Character Count Below 4 (nuspec)


This rule has been marked as a Requirement.

Requirements represent the minimum quality of a package that is acceptable. When a package version has failed requirements, the package version requires fixing and/or response by the maintainer. Provided a Requirement has flagged correctly, it must be fixed before the package version can be approved. The exact same version should be uploaded during moderation review.


In the nuspec, there is a <copyright> field. Usually a copyright contains year (or range of years) and a company. Since a year takes up four characters by itself, the validator has detected that you are not using the copyright field correctly.

Please update the copyright field so that it is using at least 4 characters.


Usually the year alone takes up four characters, so properly setting a copyright would include years and name of company.