Chocolatey Release Notes - ChocoCCM


This covers the release notes for the ChocoCCM PowerShell Module, which is available for installation from the PowerShell Gallery]( For more information, installation options, etc, please refer to [ChocoCCM.


This PowerShell Module requires an installation of at least CCM v0.4.0 in order to be fully compatible.

0.3.0 (September 8, 2022)


  • Sign PowerShell Module Files - see #73


  • Add documentation around building and testing locally - see #61

0.2.0 (April 1, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix - Add-CCMGroup throws HTTP 400 error
  • Fix - Add-CCMGroupMember throws HTTP 400 error
  • Fix - Fetching Deployment Plan by ID fails when Deployment Plan is not in Draft or Ready state
  • Fix - Get-CCMGroupMember has incorrect URL
  • Fix - Export-CCMDeploymentReport is not exported by the module


  • Added a new Remove-CCMGroup cmdlet to allow removal of a group
  • Added a new Remove-CCMGroupMember cmdlet to allow removal a computer or group from a CCM group
  • Added functionally to the Get-CCMDeploymentStep cmdlet to allow retrieval of Deployment Steps, results, and logs from a Deployment Step and its computers

0.1.1 (December 4, 2020)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix - New-CCMDeploymentStep Throws HTTP 400 Error
  • Fix - Not all functions are returning all objects by default

0.1.0 (November 13, 2020)

Initial preview release


  • PowerShell functions are provided for interacting with the core entities within CCM via the Web API
    • Roles
    • Groups
    • Computers
    • Deployments
    • Outdated Software
    • Reports