Chocolatey GUI

Chocolatey GUI

What is Chocolatey GUI?

Chocolatey GUI is a WPF application that allows the installation, uninstallation, updating, and searching for Chocolatey Packages. It is intended as a replacement for the Chocolatey CLI for those that prefer interacting with an application, rather than with commands.

What functionality is offered by Chocolatey GUI?

While Chocolatey GUI has a number of pieces of functionality, is doesn’t have everything that is offered by the Chocolatey CLI. Over time, additional functionality will likely be added, but for the time being, the following is possible in Chocolatey GUI:

  • List Chocolatey Packages installed on local machine
  • List Chocolatey Packages available for installation from remote sources
  • Install/Uninstall/Update/Pin/Unpin Chocolatey Packages
  • Add/Remove Chocolatey Sources
  • Enable/disable Chocolatey Features
  • Modify Chocolatey configuration values
  • Visual indications provided when installed Chocolatey Packages are out of date
  • List and Tile View of installed/available packages