Release Notes

Release Notes

Chocolatey Release Notes - Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension


This covers the release notes for the Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension (chocolateygui.extension) package, where the commercial editions of Chocolatey GUI get their enhanced functionality. Please see Install the Licensed Edition for information on how to get and install the package.


This package is available to Chocolatey for Business customers only.

Other Release Notes

Maintenance and Support contract considerations for Perpetual License customers

Please check out the Maintenance and Support contract considerations for Perpetual License customers section for more information.

Chocolatey Component Package Dependencies

Please check out the Chocolatey Component Package Dependencies section for more information about how each package version relates to the other.

2.0.0 (May 31, 2023)


Refer to our Upgrade Guide for recommendations before upgrading from 1.x versions to 2.x.


  • Update to use latest releases of Chocolatey products.

1.0.3 (May 10, 2023)

Bug Fix

  • Fix - Update version ranges in nuspec file to use maximum inclusive rather than maximum exclusive.

2.0.0-beta-20230426 (April 26, 2023)


This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension and it is NOT suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.


If you run into any problems when using this beta version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension we would ask that you comment on this discussion, which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this beta release.

Known Issues

See this list for known issues with this pre-release.


  • Update to use latest beta releases of Chocolatey products.

2.0.0-beta-20230412 (April 12, 2023)


This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension and it is NOT suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.


If you run into any problems when using this beta version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension we would ask that you comment on this discussion, which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this beta release.

Known Issues

See this list for known issues with this pre-release.


  • Update to use latest beta releases of Chocolatey Components.

2.0.0-beta-20230321 (March 21, 2023)


This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension and it is NOT suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.


If you run into any problems when using this beta version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension we would ask that you comment on this discussion, which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this beta release.

Known Issues

See this list for known issues with this pre-release.


  • Update to use latest beta releases of Chocolatey Components.

1.0.2 (March 13, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix - Chocolatey GUI v1.1.2 crashes on launch with Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension installed - see licensed #338.

2.0.0-alpha-20230221 (February 21, 2023)


This is a pre-release version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension and it is NOT suitable for production use! A pre-release version will have bugs that could have a detrimental impact to your environment. Ensure all necessary due diligence steps are taken before using in your environment.


If you run into any problems when using this alpha version of Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension we would ask that you comment on this discussion, which is where we will be collating issues, and providing workarounds, etc. We will not be accepting issues raised against this alpha release.

Known Issues

See this list for known issues with this pre-release.

Breaking Change

  • Upgrade to target version 2.0.0 of Chocolatey.Lib and version 2.0.0 of Chocolatey GUI assemblies.

1.0.1 (October 12, 2022)


  • Update package version range for Chocolatey Licensed Extension to support 5.0.0+.

1.0.0 (March 21, 2022)


The dependencies of the chocolateygui.extension package have changed in this release. It now requires Chocolatey GUI v1.0.0 and Chocolatey Licensed Extension v4.0.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Add Chocolatey Licensed Extension dependency to package to ensure all required dependencies are installed during upgrade.
  • Updates Chocolatey CLI dependency for package to v1.0.0.

Release Video

A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:

0.4.0 (February 10, 2022)


The dependencies of the chocolateygui.extension package have changed in this release, and it now requires Chocolatey GUI v0.20.0.

Breaking Change

  • Change target .NET Framework version to be 4.8 - see #841.

Release Video

A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:

0.3.0 (September 6, 2021)


The dependencies of the chocolateygui.extension package have changed in this release, and it now requires Chocolatey CLI v0.11.1 and Chocolatey GUI v0.19.0.


  • Add feature to allow disabling of the This PC source - see licensed #228.
  • Add feature to allow disabling of “Update All” button -see licensed #240.


  • [Security] XML External Entity attack in log4net (CVE-2018-1285) see licensed #254.

Release Video

A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:

0.2.1 (March 29, 2021)

Bug Fix

  • Fix - Incorrect configuration database being used by Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension when running as non-administrator user - see licensed #209.

Release Video

A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:

0.2.0 (March 9, 2021)

Breaking Change

  • Update the default value for “NonAdmin Access to Settings” feature to be false - see #601.


  • Provide ability for Chocolatey GUI to respect the background service allowed commands configuration option.
  • Add a feature to toggle on/off a read only view for installed packages - see licensed #201.
  • Add a feature to toggle on/off the option to not attempt to download icons for packages - see licensed #199.
  • Add a configuration option to specify a default for a particular source when application loads - see licensed #198.

Release Video

A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here:

0.1.0 (January 22, 2021)

Initial preview release


  • Branding - Support for branding portions of the Chocolatey GUI assets from provided assets.
  • Provide ability to restrict access to Chocolatey GUI settings to only machine administrators.
  • Packaging - Extension is deployable in the same way as the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
  • Provide visual indication in Chocolatey GUI when the Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension is being used.

Release Video

A short video explaining what is included in this release can be found here: