CPMR0024 - Prerelease information shouldn't be included as part of Package Id (nuspec)

CPMR0024 - Prerelease information shouldn't be included as part of Package Id (nuspec)


This rule has been marked as a Requirement.

Requirements represent the minimum quality of a package that is acceptable. When a package version has failed requirements, the package version requires fixing and/or response by the maintainer. Provided a Requirement has flagged correctly, it must be fixed before the package version can be approved. The exact same version should be uploaded during moderation review.


This page is a stub that has not yet been filled out. If you have questions about this issue, please ask in the review or reach out on Community Chat


The <id> field in the package .nuspec file, contains a prerelease version name such as alpha, beta, etc.

Please update the <id> field in the .nuspec file to ensure it only contains the name. The prerelease version name should be added to the <version> field. Prerelease packages can be installed or upgraded using the --pre option in Chocolatey CLI.