To edit an existing source through Chocolatey GUI simply click on the source in the Sources section. The details of this source will then be populated in the lower half of the screen, and all of these fields can then be edited:

  • Id
  • Source
  • Username
  • Certificate
  • Priority
  • Is Disabled
  • Is Self Service
  • Is Proxy Bypassed
  • Visible to Admins Only

Showing the user interface when editing an existing source

Update all these details, and once completed, click the SAVE button. The updated source will then refresh in the Sources section at the top of the screen.


If attempting to edit the built-in chocolatey.licensed source, only certain fields are allowed to be modified, and this will be reflected within the user interface

Showing the user interface when attempting to edit chocolatey.licensed source


Below is a short video which shows how to edit a source: