Remote Source

Remote Source

Any Chocolatey source that is configured will show as a remote source in the Chocolatey GUI main window. When selected, either directly through the user interface, or via a keyboard shortcut, the available packages from that source will be fetched, and shown.

It is the visual equivalent of running the choco list --source command, and paging the results that are displayed.

There are various features that can be used to configure how remote sources work, including:

Remote Source showing packages from the Chocolatey Community Repository

It is possible to show this view in both tile and list format, and this can be controlled through the toggle switch, or by setting the Default to Tile View for Local Source feature to the required setting.

From any remote source view, either by navigating to the package details page, or by activating the context menu for the required package, it is possible to perform one of the available actions for a package.

All remote sources can be turned off using the Hide All Remote Chocolatey Sources feature. NOTE: This is a commercial feature that requires the use of the Chocolatey GUI Licensed Extension.