Show Aggregated Source

Show Aggregated Source

By default, Chocolatey GUI shows a source view for every feed that is configured for Chocolatey. Clicking on each tab will show all of the packages for that selected feed. As a result, the normal Chocolatey GUI view looks something like the following:

Show Aggregated Source Disabled

By enabling this feature, it is possible to add an additional source view, which aggregates all the packages from all configured sources, into a single view. Once enabled, you will see a new All Sources tab available for selection, similar to the following:

Show Aggregated Source Enabled


When first enabling this feature, it will be necessary to close and re-open Chocolatey GUI in order to see the new source view.


Below is a short video which shows this feature in action:


This feature can be enabled, for the currently logged in user, by running the following command:

chocolateyguicli feature enable --name="'ShowAggregatedSourceView'"

This feature can be disabled, for the currently logged in user, by running the following command:

chocolateyguicli feature disable --name="'ShowAggregatedSourceView'"

Or, to enable/disable it globally at the machine level, run the following commands:

chocolateyguicli feature enable --name="'ShowAggregatedSourceView'" --global

chocolateyguicli feature disable --name="'ShowAggregatedSourceView'" --global

Default Value

The default value for this feature is disabled.


The ability to control this feature from the Chocolatey GUI Settings screen has existed since Chocolatey GUI v0.17.0.

The ability to control this feature from the command line using chocolateyguicli has existed since Chocolatey GUI v0.17.0.