Chocolatey GUI will allow you to interact with the config settings.


chocolateyguicli config [list]|get|set|unset [<options/switches]


chocolateyguicli config
chocolateyguicli config list
chocolateyguicli config get --name="'outdatedPackagesCacheDurationInMinutes'"
chocolateyguicli config set --name="'outdatedPackagesCacheDurationInMinutes'" --value="'60'"
chocolateyguicli config unset --name="'outdatedPackagesCacheDurationInMinutes'"

Exit Codes

Exit codes that normally result from running this command.


  • 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
  • -1 or 1: an error has occurred

Options and Switches

-?, --help, -h
     Prints out the help menu.

-r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
     Limit the output to essential information

     Name - the name of the config setting. Required with some actions.

     Value - the value of the config setting.  Required with some actions.

-g, --global
     Should the command be applied to the global (machine) level?  Defaults
       to false.


Below is a short video which shows how to use the config command of the chocolateyguicli:

Configuration Options

The available items that can be configured are: