LDAP Configuration


The Central Management Server must be joined to the Active Directory Domain.

  1. Open the CCM Site in the browser.

  2. Login with the ccmadmin user.

  3. In the left-hand menu click on Administration and then Settings.

  4. Click on the User management tab in the Settings screen.

  5. Under LDAP Setting click the Enable LDAP Authentication button.

  6. Fill in your FQDN for the Domain name field and the User name field with an active directory account that has access to query user accounts within your active directory environment.

    CCM LDAP Setup

  7. Click the Update LDAP Password button to open a modal window to allow you to enter/confirm the password that is to be used.

    Update LDAP Password

  8. Click the Save button

  9. Click the Save All button at the top right of the page to save your settings.


In order for LDAP authentication to succeed in versions of Central Management 0.3.1 and lower an Email Address, Surname, and GivenName must be configured on the properties of the Active Directory user you are attempting to use for login. If any of these fields are empty, errors will be encountered when attempting to login to the Central Management application.