This feature is available in Chocolatey Central Management starting with version 0.12.0.

On the Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard there is a count of the Total Stale Computers. This is defined as the total number of Computers that haven't reported into Chocolatey Central Management in the last 180 days.. Here 180 is the default value, but you can change this by using the following steps:

  1. Open the Chocolatey Central Management Site in the browser.

  2. Login with the ccmadmin user.

  3. In the left-hand menu click on Administration and then Settings.

  4. Click on the Dashboard tab in the Settings screen.

    Chocolatey Central Management Dashboard Settings

  5. Adjust the Amount of time, in Days, before being notified of Computers not reporting in.

  6. Click the Save All button to save changes.


When the Stale Computer Retention Policy is enabled, it is not possible to set the Amount of time, in Days, before being notified of Computers not reporting in for the Dashboard to a number that is lower than what is currently configured for the Amount of time, in Days, to keep stale Computers before deleting setting, and vice versa. If this is attempted, a validation warning will be shown.


When upgrading to Chocolatey Central Management 0.12.0, if the Stale Computer Retention Policy is enabled, if the current value for Amount of time, in Days, to keep stale Computers before deleting is less than the default value for Amount of time, in Days, before being notified of Computers not reporting in, a change will be made to the default value to make it half of the configured value for Amount of time, in Days, to keep stale Computers before deleting.