Advanced Endpoint Configuration

Advanced Endpoint Configuration

The minimum configuration for a Chocolatey for Business client installs, licenses, and configures Chocolatey to work with the deployed repository solution and Chocolatey Central Management. While this opinionated approach is fine for most situations, flexibility is required for some organizations. This page provides examples of different scenarios in which you wish to deploy Chocolatey in your organization.


All examples require you to provide the credentials to connect to the repository installed during execution of the Quickstart Guide.

These credentials are found in the README file placed on the Desktop of the server during installation, or wherever you documented them if you changed them after installation.

Include Packaging Tools with installation

Some members of your team may be responsible for maintaining Chocolatey packages in your organization. These tools can be included in the installation by providing the -IncludePackageTools parameter.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -IncludePackageTools

Enable/Disable additional features with installation

Some endpoints may require a different set of features. The default installation will apply our recommended configuration. However, you can override these defaults or enable/disable additional features by providing the -AdditionalFeatures parameter.

In this example we will disable the use of the background service so non-admin users cannot use Chocolatey (not recommended), and enable Gloabl Confirmation so you no longer need to pass -y when performing a package operation.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -AdditionalFeatures @{ useBackgroundService = 'Disabled'; allowGlobalCOnfirmation = 'Enabled' }

Apply custom configuration during installation

You can apply custom configuration which overrides the defaults or provides additional configuration by providing the -AdditionalConfiguration parameter. The following example sets the centralManagementReportPackagesTimerIntervalInSeconds configuration item to 21600 seconds (6 hours).

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -AdditionalConfiguration @{ 'centralManagementReportPackagesTimerIntervalInSeconds' = '21600'}

Include additional Chocolatey sources

You can include additional Chocolatey sources during the installation process by providing the -AdditionalSources parameter.

Include a group repository source

In this example we will add a new source called Engineering, which is a group source configured on the repository server that contains a repository for Engineering-specific packages, with a base repository of general use packages.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -AdditionalSources @{Name = 'Engineering'; Source = ''}

Include a local source


The local folder must exist prior to using this source.

This example include Packaging Tools and sets up a local folder source for package development testing.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -IncludePackageTools -AdditionalSources @{Name = 'LocalTest'; Source = 'C:\packages\testing'}

Available options

The following is a sample hashtable of all the available options you can pass while adding additional sources.

    Name = 'MySource'
    Source = ''
    #Optional items
    Credentials = $MySourceCredential
    AllowSelfService = $true # Defaults to $false
    AdminOnly = $true # Defaults to $false
    BypassProxy = $true # Defaults to $false
    Priority = 10
    Certificate = 'C:\cert.pfx'
    CertificatePassword = 's0mepa$$'

Install additional packages

You can install additional Chocolatey packages during the installation process by providing the -AdditionalPackages parameter.


To use this parameter, you must ensure that the package is available on configured sources.

Install the latest version of the notepadplusplus.install package

The following example installs the notepadplusplus.install package.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -AdditionalPackages @{Id ='notepadplusplus.install'}

Install a specific version of the notepadplusplus.install package

The following example installs version 8.7.5 of the notepadplusplus.install package.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -AdditionalPackages @{Id ='notepadplusplus.install'; Version = '8.7.5'}

Install a specific version of the notepadplusplus.install package, and pin it so it does not upgrade automaticallyThe following example installs version 8.7.5 of the notepadplusplus.install package and pins it so that it is not upgraded when using choco upgrade

To upgrade this package, you will need to first unpin it, and then perform the upgrade.

Set-Location /path/to/register-c4bendpoint.ps1
. .\Register-C4bEndpoint.ps1 -RepositoryCredential (Get-Credential) -AdditionalPackages @{Id ='notepadplusplus.install'; Version = '8.7.5'; Pin = $true}