
If you use the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment for long periods of time, the license you used to deploy it may expire and you will need to update it.

You can either run through the process manually, or run the Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment playbook again with a specific tag.

Ansible Update

To create your updated license package with the Ansible playbook, re-run the playbook with the licensepackage tag and provide the path to your new Chocolatey for Business license.

Example of running via Playbook:

ansible-playbook ./c4b-environment.yml -i ./hosts.yml -tags licensepackage

Manual Update


  • You will need Chocolatey CLI installed.
  • You will need your new Chocolatey for Business license file.
  • You will need the FQDN of your Sonatype Nexus Repository server.
  • You will need the API Key for your Sonatype Nexus Repository.

Creating a New License Package

Please refer to the Chocolatey for Business Azure Environment documentation for creating the license package.

Uploading the License Package

We now need to upload this new package to the ChocolateyInternal repository. Open a PowerShell terminal and run the following code (which will prompt you for information for values that are not set):

if (-not $FQDN) {
    $FQDN = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the FQDN for the Nexus repository')"
    if (([uri]$FQDN).Host) {$FQDN = ([uri]$FQDN).Host}
if (-not $NexusApiKey) {
    $NexusApiKey = "$(Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the API Key to be used to push Chocolatey packages to Nexus')"

$LicensePackage = (Get-Item $env:Temp\ChocolateyLicensedPackage\*.nupkg)[-1]
choco push $LicensePackage.FullName --source="https://$($FQDN):8443/repository/ChocolateyInternal/" --api-key="$NexusApiKey" --force

Pushing the New License to Clients

You can either rely on automation to push this package (and updated license) to your clients, or refer to these documents to manually create a deployment.