
Once you have your Chocolatey for Business environment deployed, you’ll need to get clients talking to it.
To do that, you’ll need to do the following on the clients:

  1. Ensure the client machine can access the Chocolatey Central Management service on port 24020, and the Sonatype Nexus service on 8443 (by default).
  2. If your certificate is self-signed: Install the SSL/TLS certificate.
  3. Install Chocolatey components and configure the client for Chocolatey for Business (C4B) deployments and management.

Client Setup

You will need the following values ready when running this script:

  • FQDN: The fully qualified domain name used to access your environment.
  • ccm_client_salt: This is the client-side salt additive. More information about this can be found in the Config Settings docs. The value will have been provided during the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business environment.
  • ccm_service_salt: This is the service salt additive. More information about this can be found in the Config Settings docs. The value will have been provided during the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business environment.
  • nexus_password: The password for the chocouser account which is used by the client to access your environments’ Sonatype Nexus service. The value will have been provided during the deployment of the Chocolatey for Business environment.

The values generated during the deployment are available in the CCM.html file provided in the credentials directory within the deployment repository.

To install the Chocolatey components and on-board clients, you could run an Ansible playbook.

ClientSetup Playbook

- name: Chocolatey For Business Client Setup
  hosts: "{{ c4b_nodes }}"
  gather_facts: true
    - name: license_path
      prompt: "Path to Chocolatey License File"
      private: no

    - name: ccm_fqdn
      prompt: "FQDN to access Chocolatey Central Management, e.g."
      private: no

    - name: ccm_client_salt
      prompt: "Client Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
      private: yes

    - name: ccm_service_salt
      prompt: "Service Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
      private: yes

    - name: nexus_password
      prompt: "Password for the ChocoUser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository"
      private: yes
    # You can add more sources here.
      - name: ChocolateyInternal
        url: "https://{{ nexus_fqdn | default(ccm_fqdn) }}:8443/repository/ChocolateyInternal/index.json"
        user: "{{ nexus_user | default('chocouser') }}"
        password: "{{ nexus_password | mandatory }}"

    # You can add more configuration settings here.
      - cacheLocation: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco-cache
      - commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds: 14400
      - backgroundServiceAllowedCommands: install,upgrade,uninstall

    # You can add more features to enable or disable here.
      - showNonElevatedWarnings: disabled
      - useBackgroundService: enabled
      - useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly: enabled
      - allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly: enabled
      - excludeChocolateyPackagesDuringUpgradeAll: enabled

    # If you'd prefer to use a non-latest version of Chocolatey, you can specify it here.
    chocolatey_version: latest

    # When set to true, deploys Chocolatey GUI and the Chocolatey GUI licensed extension.
    install_gui: true

    # An accessible copy of the Dotnet 4.8 installer.

  - name: Ensure a valid Chocolatey for Business License
      - name: Get Chocolatey License
          license_content: "{{ lookup('file', license_path) }}"
        when: license_content is not defined and license_path is defined
        delegate_to: localhost

      - name: Get Chocolatey License Expiration
          license_expiry: "{{ license_content | regex_search('expiration=\".+?\"') | regex_replace('expiration=\"(.+)\"', '\\1') | trim() }}"
        when: license_content is defined
        delegate_to: localhost

      - name: Test License Expiry
            - license_expiry is defined
            - license_expiry | to_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0000000')
            - license_expiry > ansible_date_time.iso8601
          quiet: true
        when: license_expiry is defined
        delegate_to: localhost

  - name: Ensure choco-setup Directory
      state: directory
      suffix: choco-setup
    register: choco_setup

  - name: Ensure Dotnet 4.8
        NetFx48InstallerFile: "{{ ndp48_location | default('') }}"
        WorkingDirectory: "{{ choco_setup.path }}"
      script: |
        param($NetFx48InstallerFile, $WorkingDirectory)

        if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Release -lt 528040) {
          Write-Warning ".NET Framework 4.8 is required for Chocolatey. Installing .NET Framework 4.8..."

          # Attempt to download the installer if it doesn't exist locally
          if (-not (Test-Path $NetFx48InstallerFile)) {
            try {
              $DownloadArgs = @{
                Uri = $NetFx48InstallerFile
                OutFile = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory $(Split-Path $NetFx48InstallerFile -Leaf)
                UseBasicParsing = $true
              if (-not (Test-Path $DownloadArgs.OutFile)) {
                Invoke-WebRequest @DownloadArgs -ErrorAction Stop
              $NetFx48InstallerFile = $DownloadArgs.OutFile
            } catch {
              $Ansible.failed = $true
              throw "Could not download .NET Framework 4.8"

          # Install .NET Framework 4.8
          try {
            $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
            $psi.WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory
            $psi.FileName = $NetFx48InstallerFile
            $psi.Arguments = "/q /norestart"

            $s = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)

            $Ansible.changed = $true

            if ($s.ExitCode -notin (0, 1641, 3010)) {
              $Ansible.message = "$($s.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd())" + "$($s.StandardError.ReadToEnd())"
              $Ansible.failed = $true
          } catch {
            $Ansible.failed = $true
        } else {
          $Ansible.changed = $false
    register: dotnet_install

  - name: Reboot Server for Prerequisites
    when: dotnet_install.changed

  - name: Get Chocolatey Package and Install Script
        RepositoryUrl: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url }}"
        ChocolateyVersion: "{{ chocolatey_version }}"
        WorkingDirectory: "{{ choco_setup.path }}"
      script: |
        param($RepositoryUrl, $ChocolateyVersion, $WorkingDirectory)
        $Ansible.Changed = $false

        # Download Chocolatey Package
        $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        try {
          $Credential = [PSCredential]::new(
            '{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default('') }}',
            (ConvertTo-SecureString '{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default('') }}' -AsPlainText -Force)
          $webClient.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
        } catch {}

        $NupkgUrl = if (-not $ChocolateyVersion -or $ChocolateyVersion -eq 'latest') {
          $QueryString = "((Id eq 'chocolatey') and (not IsPrerelease)) and IsLatestVersion"
          $Query = 'Packages()?$filter={0}' -f [uri]::EscapeUriString($queryString)
          $QueryUrl = ($RepositoryUrl.TrimEnd('/index.json'), $Query) -join '/'  # This works with Nexus hosted repositories

          [xml]$result = $webClient.DownloadString($QueryUrl)
        } else {
          # Otherwise, assume the URL

        $NupkgPath = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory ""
        if (-not (Test-Path $NupkgPath)) {
          try {
            $webClient.DownloadFile($NupkgUrl, $NupkgPath)
          } catch {
            $Ansible.Failed = $true
          $Ansible.Changed = $true

        $Ansible.Result = $NupkgPath

        # Download Chocolatey Bootstrap Script
        $BootstrapScript = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory "Install-Chocolatey.ps1"
        $BootstrapUrl = "$($RepositoryUrl.TrimEnd('/index.json').TrimEnd('ChocolateyInternal'))choco-setup/ChocolateyInstall.ps1"
        if (-not (Test-Path $BootstrapScript)) {
          Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($BootstrapUrl)'"
          $webClient.DownloadFile($BootstrapUrl, $BootstrapScript)
          $Ansible.Changed = $true
    register: local_choco_package

  - name: Install Chocolatey
      name: chocolatey
      state: "{{ 'latest' if chocolatey_version == 'latest' or chocolatey_version is undefined or chocolatey_version == omit else 'downgrade' }}"
      source: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url | default(omit) }}"
      source_username: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default(omit) }}"
      source_password: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default(omit) }}"
      bootstrap_script: "{{ choco_setup.path }}\\Install-Chocolatey.ps1"
      chocolateyDownloadUrl: "{{ local_choco_package.result | default('') }}"
      chocolateyUseWindowsCompression: 'true'
    register: choco_install
    ignore_errors: true

  - name: Install Chocolatey License Package
      name: chocolatey-license
      state: latest
      source: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url | mandatory }}"
      source_username: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default(omit) }}"
      source_password: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default(omit) }}"
    when: license_content is not defined

  - name: Ensure License Directory
      path: C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\license\\
      state: directory
    when: license_content is defined

  - name: Install Chocolatey License
      dest: "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\license\\chocolatey.license.xml"
      content: "{{ license_content }}"
      force: true
    when: license_content is defined

  - name: Install Chocolatey.Extension
      name: chocolatey.extension
      state: latest
      source: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].url | default(omit) }}"
      source_username: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].user | default(omit) }}"
      source_password: "{{ chocolatey_sources[0].password | default(omit) }}"
      package_params: /NoContextMenu

  - name: Set Chocolatey Features
      name: "{{ item.key }}"
      state: "{{ item.value }}"
    with_dict: "{{ chocolatey_features }}"

  - name: Set Chocolatey Configuration
      name: "{{ item.key }}"
      state: "{{ 'absent' if not item.value else 'present' }}"
      value: "{{ item.value | default('omit') }}"
    with_dict: "{{ chocolatey_config }}"

  - name: Add Chocolatey Source
      name: "{{ }}"
      source: "{{ item.url }}"
      source_username: "{{ item.user | default(omit) }}"
      source_password: "{{ item.password | default(omit) }}"
      priority: 1
      state: present
    loop: "{{ chocolatey_sources }}"
    no_log: true

  - name: Install ChocolateyGUI
      name: chocolateygui
      state: latest
    when: install_gui is not false

  - name: Install ChocolateyGUI Extension
      name: chocolateygui.extension
      state: latest
    when: install_gui is not false

  - name: Disable other sources
      name: "{{ item }}"
      state: disabled
      - chocolatey
      - chocolatey.licensed

  - name: Install Chocolatey Agent
      name: chocolatey-agent
      state: latest

  - name: Configure Chocolatey Agent to use Chocolatey Central Management
      - name: Set Chocolatey Configuration
          name: "{{ item.key }}"
          state: "{{ 'absent' if not item.value else 'present' }}"
          value: "{{ item.value | default('omit') }}"
          - CentralManagementServiceUrl: "https://{{ ccm_fqdn }}:24020/ChocolateyManagementService"
          - CentralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword: "{{ ccm_client_salt | default(omit) }}"
          - centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword: "{{ ccm_service_salt | default(omit) }}"
        no_log: true

      - name: Set Chocolatey Features
          name: "{{ item.key }}"
          state: "{{ item.value }}"
          - useChocolateyCentralManagement: enabled
          - useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments: enabled

After saving the example playbook to a file, e.g. client-setup.yml, you can run it with one of the following commands:

# This will install to all available hosts.
ansible-playbook /path/to/client-setup.yml --extra-vars "c4b_nodes='*'"

# You could specify an inventory to use, or be more specific when defining c4b_nodes.
ansible-playbook /path/to/client-setup.yml --inventory /path/to/hosts.yml --extra-vars "c4b_nodes='windows_servers'"

You will be prompted to enter the values mentioned above, but you can pass them in using --extra-vars instead. Please see the Ansible documentation “Defining Variables At Runtime” for further details and examples.


This playbook will install Dotnet 4.8 to target hosts that don’t have a compatible version installed.

This will cause machines that have the dependency installed to reboot.

To install the Chocolatey components and on-board clients, you could run the ClientSetup.ps1 script provided with your Chocolatey for Business Ansible Environment. By default, this script is stored in the newly created choco-install repository.


You can set default values for the parameters and remove the Mandatory flag if you prefer to run the script without being prompted for input.

PowerShell Script

When you’re ready, run the following script on the client from an elevated (Run as Administrator) PowerShell terminal:

    # The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Sonatype Nexus Repository service

    # The Password for the chocouser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository service

    # The Chocolatey Central Management client communication salt, provided during deployment

    # The Chocolatey Central Management service communication salt

$credential = [pscredential]::new('chocouser', ($Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
$downloader = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
$downloader.Credentials = $credential

$script =  $downloader.DownloadString("https://$($FQDN):8443/repository/choco-install/ClientSetup.ps1")

$params = @{
    Credential      = $credential
    ClientSalt      = $clientCommunicationSalt
    ServerSalt      = $serviceCommunicationSalt

& ([scriptblock]::Create($script)) @params

For example, to run this locally, save the script to an accessible location (in the example below shown as ~\Downloads\ChocoOnboarding.ps1) and run:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force

You will then be prompted for each parameter value.

Alternatively, you could run the ClientSetup.ps1 script with Ansible.

Ansible Script

An example of what to add to your Ansible tasks is shown below:

- name: Chocolatey For Business Client Setup
  hosts: "{{ c4b_nodes }}"
  gather_facts: true
    - name: ccm_fqdn
      prompt: "FQDN to access Chocolatey Central Management, e.g."
      private: no

    - name: ccm_client_salt
      prompt: "Client Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
      private: yes

    - name: ccm_service_salt
      prompt: "Service Salt for communicating with Chocolatey Central Management"
      private: yes

    - name: nexus_password
      prompt: "Password for the ChocoUser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository"
      private: yes
    - name: Run ClientSetup.ps1
          FQDN: "{{ ccm_fqdn }}"
          Password: "{{ nexus_password }}"
          ClientCommunicationSalt: "{{ ccm_client_salt }}"
          ServiceCommunicationSalt: "{{ ccm_service_salt }}"
        script: |
              # The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Sonatype Nexus Repository service

              # The Password for the chocouser account on Sonatype Nexus Repository service

              # The Chocolatey Central Management client communication salt, provided during deployment

              # The Chocolatey Central Management service communication salt

          $credential = [pscredential]::new('chocouser', ($Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
          $downloader = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
          $downloader.Credentials = $credential

          $script =  $downloader.DownloadString("https://$($FQDN):8443/repository/choco-install/ClientSetup.ps1")

          $params = @{
              Credential      = $credential
              ClientSalt      = $clientCommunicationSalt
              ServerSalt      = $serviceCommunicationSalt

          & ([scriptblock]::Create($script)) @params

This will not be as predictable as running Ansible tasks, and will report a change regardless of the result of the script.

To install the Chocolatey components and on-board clients, you could add the example Ansible roles to a playbook.

To do this, copy the roles directory from the C4B-Ansible Repository to the directory your playbook is saved, or to a roles_path.

You will then be able to reference the role(s) in your playbook, as shown below:

Ansible Roles

- name: Chocolatey For Business Client Setup
  hosts: "{{ c4b_nodes }}"
  gather_facts: true
    ccm_fqdn: ""
    ccm_client_salt: !vault |
    ccm_service_salt: !vault |
    nexus_password: !vault |
    - name: Add ChocolateyAgent to Server
        name: win_chocolateyagent
        license_path: \path\to\chocolatey.license.xml
        ccm_hostname: "{{ ccm_fqdn }}"
        client_salt: "{{ ccm_client_salt }}"
        service_salt: "{{ ccm_service_salt }}"
          - name: ChocolateyInternal
            url: https://{{ ccm_fqdn }}:8443/repository/ChocolateyInternal/index.json
            user: chocouser
            password: "{{ nexus_password }}"

For further information on the roles and available parameters, please refer to the readmes:

This script will accomplish the following on your client:

  1. Install Chocolatey CLI from the installation script hosted in your internal raw Sonatype Nexus Repository.
  2. Add the ChocolateyInternal source, and enable it for self-service.
  3. Disable the default chocolatey source.
  4. Install your Chocolatey license using the chocolatey-license package.
  5. Install the Chocolatey Licensed Extension (without context menus for Package Builder).
  6. Install the ChocolateyGUI package on the endpoint, for self-service support.
  7. Install the chocolatey-agent package, which supports self-service and Chocolatey Central Management communication.
  8. Enable and disable features related to configuring self-service access on the endpoint.
  9. Setup the communication channel between the endpoint and Chocolatey Central Management, using the correct URL and salts.
  10. Enable Chocolatey Central Management Deployments.